
import AbstractSmartContract from './AbstractSmartContract';

const deveryRegistryArtifact = require('../build/contracts/DeveryRegistry.json');
const ethers = require('ethers');

 * Abstract class, that is a base for all the devery registry related smart contracts.
 * There is no reason to directly instantiate it. Here lies some common logic about how to resolve
 * the underlying smart contract address and getting the signer instance. *** you should not instantiate it directly***.
 * @version 3
 * @extends AbstractSmartContract
class AbstractDeverySmartContract extends AbstractSmartContract {
     * ***You should not call this class constructor directly*** if you do so you will get a TypeError
     * as we are explicitly checking against this.
     * ```
     * // excerpt from the constructor
     * if (this.constructor === AbstractDeverySmartContract) {
     *     throw new TypeError("Cannot construct AbstractDeverySmartContract instances directly");
     * }
     * ```
     * @param {ClientOptions} options
  constructor(options = {
    web3Instance: undefined,
    acc: undefined,
    address: undefined,
    walletPrivateKey: undefined,
    networkId: undefined,
    infuraProjectKey: undefined,
  }) {
    if (this.constructor === AbstractDeverySmartContract) {
      throw new TypeError('Cannot construct AbstractDeverySmartContract instances directly');

    options = Object.assign(
        web3Instance: undefined, acc: undefined, address: undefined, networkId: undefined,
      , options,

    let network = options.networkId;
    let address = options.address;

    try {
      if (!options.web3Instance) {
        options.web3Instance = web3;
      network = options.web3Instance.version.network;
    } catch (e) {
      // console.log('it was not possible to find global web3');

    if (!network) {
      try {
        if (!options.web3Instance) {
          options.web3Instance = web3;
        network = options.web3Instance.currentProvider.networkVersion;
      } catch (e) {
        // console.log('it was not possible to find global web3');

    if (!network) {
      network = options.networkId || 1;

    if (!address) {
      address = deveryRegistryArtifact.networks[network].address;

    this.__deveryRegistryContract = new ethers.Contract(
      address, deveryRegistryArtifact.abi,

    this.address = address;
    this.abi = deveryRegistryArtifact.abi;

export default AbstractDeverySmartContract;